
thmb_15637_img1I add a little promotion for the Afropean+ festival organised by Brussels based BOZAR. The festival highlights the added value of the African diaspora in the European cultural landscape – affirming at once their cultural interdependence and promoting freedom, diversity, creation and solidarity as driving forces for their shared future future. BOZAR hosts the first edition of this exceptional multidisciplinary event.

Nero a meta’

imagesPino Daniele, the great artist, passed away yesterday. Author of numerous fabulous tunes, voice of the margins, of Naples, Italy’s vibrant colonial city, and inspirer of a great musical  tradition, Afro-European at heart, like his saxophonist James Senese, as well as the many international musicians he shared his life and stage with, indeed, nero a meta’. I would like to remember him with this song I discovered just recently on an edited album called Black Tarantella, e’ ancora tiempe, there’ still time, yes, Pino, to follow in your footsteps.